
Our outreach ministries include:

Access Soup Kitchen & Men’s Shelter

Begun by the Coalition of Committed Christians, Inc., the Access Soup Kitchen operated out of Ascension for several years. Now in its own facility, it serves over 27,000 meals annually. Open 365 days a year, the shelter serves a hot meal at lunch to community members and provides 30-day emergency shelter to men, including evening and morning meals.

  • Breakfast Ministry: Every Sunday morning at 8:45 AM, the Ascension Breakfast/Service Club prepares and serves a full hot breakfast at the church, which is offered to all in the community. The meal is free of charge to those in need; others may pay a small amount as able. Sunday breakfast has become a treasured time of fellowship for parishioners and community members (attending services not required). Join us!

  • Thanksgiving Walk for Awareness: Started by Ascension members over 20 years ago, this annual walk helps promote and raise funds for the Soup Kitchen. Ascension is the starting point for the walk that winds by the Capitol building and ends at the Soup Kitchen. 

Frankfort Resource Office for Social Ministries (ROSM)

Ascension members actively support these coalitions formed by local churches:

  • ROSM provides food, clothing, funds and other needs, and arranges for medicine and medical care for families and individuals in critical circumstances.

 Emergency Community Food Pantry of Franklin County

  • The Food Pantry provides emergency groceries to community members who are in desperate need of food; the pantry provides a seven-day supply of food to its clients, up to three times in any given six-month period.

Applications for assistance through ROSM and the Food Pantry, and pickup/delivery of food baskets, are coordinated at Ascension by Deacon Rebecca Saager (curate@ascensionfrankfort.org), and are also available through other local churches and community organizations.  

Simon House

Simon House is a nonprofit transitional living facility for homeless adult women who are pregnant or have children. Simon House also helps families who are near homelessness, but can remain in their homes with some assistance.

Franklin County Women’s Shelter (FCWS)

The Franklin County Women’s Shelter provides preventive and support services and short-term emergency shelter to those in need. In addition to various support activities and projects throughout the year, Ascension traditionally sponsors an "Angel Tree" at Christmas time to benefit local children in need.

Stewart Home & School

A nationally known residential facility for adults who are mentally challenged, Stewart Home & School residents worship regularly at Ascension. Nearly every Sunday year round, the school buses a load of residents to the early Eucharist, where some actively participated as altar servers and acolytes, and Ascension has conducted "Godly Play" classes on school grounds. Traditionally, members of the Stewart Home Bell Choir also perform as part of the season of Advent at Ascension.

American Red Cross

The Church of the Ascension is certified by the American Red Cross as a Shelter Unit in the event of emergency or disaster. The church is located across the street from the Red Cross state headquarters building.